
Thursday 8 December 2016


I liked softball we hti the ball far and go to all of the 3

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Softball at Kiwisport

What skills did we learn today?
Rm 13 did monkey, butterfly catch and

What games did we play?
we played  bpace Race tag

What did I like the most?
it bpace Race tag

Thursday 17 November 2016

The Library

I like the Library Because I like books and I got THE MAN OF STEEL and the books About a man Who Save the day he Stop’s the Evil Monsters who Destroy the the Town

Thursday 3 November 2016

Ice Cream

    Ice Cream

Add photos on this slide and choose a cool title
We put in the bag is milk vanilla sugar and I put the little bag into a big bag, we put ice’s an rock salt an shake  ice cream.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

My favourite thing in school

My favourite thing in school is maths and Reading. I like to play on the playground, an i like my sister in school

I like maths because Mrs Scanlan tells our grip new maths work and I answer questions.

Monday 10 October 2016


In the hoildays, me an my mum we went to wiy not, and pak in save  we Taek a

Thursday 22 September 2016

Monday 12 September 2016

My fun weekend

On the weekend me and my mum And my sister went to a Stadium to watch a rugby game. My Brothers name is Jacob he won the the Rugby game and We had some fish and chips and some hot dogs We have some veggie too.

Friday 9 September 2016

Mad Scientist

Once Upon a Time The Mad Scientist made 2 goring purpose The Mad Scientist head to rabbit 1 rabbit was Chord Billy and They problem other was Claude Willy.

The Mad Scientist Accidentally spilt the Big Potions on the 2 rabbit And it went to destroy the town and Peter Rabbit destroyed New York City an The Eiffel Tower The rabbit was 900kg

It Blue fire Oliver's mouth And they had red-eye.

Then the Mad Scientist Found a shrinking gun going to call the Ghostbusters the mutant rabbit

Shrinka the rabbits Down and they got to the Same levels.

Screenshot 2016-09-09 at 12.05.32 PM.png

Monday 29 August 2016

Derek Redmond the champion

... the 1984 Summer Olympics
I will be a Champion (Derek Redmond)

GO Son GO! (Derek Redmond dad)

I sfik 7 and 3 a tie (the Coch)

Friday 26 August 2016

The Cross Country

My colour was Blue and My team Hine Moana.

When I was at the Cross Country I was running Past Msr scarian. Paschal cam 1st and I cam 13 ts.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Rio Olympics

The Rio Olympics is in Rio Brazil,
The Olympics starts in 2 days.

Thursday 16 June 2016

The Underwater Basement

The Manta Resort is in  the Middle of the see in Africa. It float on the ocean Because it Light and Made out of wood.

You can go on the boat and they can have a amazing view. When you get there you will have a amazing look at the fish. At night and the Stars in the morning you will do a dive and a bomb.

The Underwater Room Looked like a fish tank.

Friday 3 June 2016

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Helping in room 17

Room 17 was cool an they good at maths and reading. wean they got to maths every one got to do  maths work. when then they read a book to the Teacher. Its is home time we got own bags an me and john a going to home we a having a BIG SLEEP.

By Anania

Friday 20 May 2016

Thursday 14 April 2016

Term 1 eLearning

anania kc from Team 3 PES on Vimeo.
This  is my movie showing me using the 5 key cemptencies at school.

Thursday 24 March 2016


JPEG Image

On Monday we played Cricket with room 13 . cricket is a fun game to play. I like Cricket because I can hit it far away and hit the tree.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Cricket on Mondays

 Mondays we played crickets with Room 13. Room 13 got splat up into 2 teams 1 is the bating team. and The ctaching.

Friday 18 March 2016

Chair tiggy

Chair tiggy is a game that we play in Room 13. There are two teams, one is the running team and there is a tagging team. I like chair tiggy because it’s cool to play.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Mrs Stickland

My teacher is called Mrs Stickcand.  Mrs Stickand  is at pt england school Mrs  Stickland  is cool.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

About Me

                    Kia ora, my name is Anania. I am 8 years old. I do a lots of things at Pt England School and I am in year 4, in room 13. I play soccer and rugby.  Feb 3, 2016 12:39:45 PM.jpg